Why subscribe?

Who knows, but people tell me I often have insightful things to say.

I used to keep a blog about software development. I had an on/off relationship with writing in it for years. I'd get a slew of ideas at once, then start writing for a while. At some point the ideas dry up or I feel like I'm forcing posts on things I didn't really want to write about. Then I'd stop for a long period of time (sometimes a year or two) before I'd get another slew of ideas and the itch to write.

After a lot of thought, I think I know what the problem is. I start off writing because it's fun. At some point though, I turn it into work. I come up with a theme that I "have" to stick to. I decide on an audience that I have to appeal to. I create a tone that I need to maintain. I had a cadence that I committed myself to sticking to. I created a process of writing because that felt like the thing to do. The result is that I always stopped myself from writing about things I really wanted to because they didn't "fit". I also wrote a lot of pieces I'm not proud of in order to force a cadence for the theme that I picked.

When I look back at my history of writing blog posts, I noticed that the ones I had the most fun writing and was the most proud of were also the ones that other people were the most interested in reading. I also wrote them in a stream of consciousness. No plan. No outline. Just word vomitting whatever was in my head at the time.

I decided to take another crack at writing in mid-2024. This time there was no plan. Just me writing whatever came to mind. I was writing 2-3 posts a week for a bit, ran out of ideas, then took a break for a couple of weeks. I started having a bunch of ideas after the break and only then did I start writing more. All the posts are of a quality that I am happy with. More importantly, I'm having fun.

So that’s what you’d be here for. I’ll likely write a lot about tech because I am a software engineer, but I’ll also be writing about a slew of other topics. Hopefully you’ll enjoy it!

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Software engineer and economics enthusiast